Areli Gutierrez is a Registered Dental Assistant who completed her education at the University of San Francisco in 2002. She has been working in the dental field for 13 years, and joined Dr. Orsi’s team in 2005.

Areli was born in the coastal area of Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. She is the middle child in a family of three. Areli’s family moved to California when she was four years old and settled in Ontario. At nine years old she moved to Mountain View where she lived until her move to the Sacramento area when she began working with Dr. Orsi.

Areli lives with her spouse Marco and their three children Lourdes, Tony, and Chris. Areli speaks fluent Spanish and English. Areli and her family recently purchased a new home in Sacramento, which they are enjoying very much. Areli’s hobbies are camping, biking, beading, and jigsaw puzzles. Areli also enjoys dancing. She recently became a certified Zumba instructor. Areli is very enthusiastic and loves to challenge herself and achieve new goals in life!

As an assistant, Areli enjoys being a team member in procedures where a patient’s smile is improved cosmetically and they have gained life-changing confidence.

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